Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baking up love.

Connor loves cupcakes/cake so I made some cupcakes and some special ones for him.

Including a star cupcake that is suppose to say "<3 U"
(aka LOVE YOU)

and a mini cake showing that I love him so =D

mmm yummy yummy veganess. I just had to show you all them!

oh and If you haven't seen my tweets (@MatthewLush) my mom came home from her vacation and kicked Corey out of the house. There was used Condoms everywhere, blood on the walls, thousands of dollars of things broken, stolen or knocked over. There was also sticky floors from alcohol, bottles of beer everywhere and the pretty wood floors all scratched up from what looks like people scraping broken bottles into them.

My little brother taught my nephew to say ""leave me alone cunt go f*ck somebody"... so my nephew said it to my sister and boy did he get it. My nephew also tried to kill a bug and said "mother f*cker wont die." My family is pissed at Corey. He needs to grow up, he's 18! I was kicked out of the house right after I turned 17 and graduated early. My mom didn't support me being gay at the time. She just didn't understand anything. As time went on she's learned to love me for who I am. It helped me grow up fast, and become more independant then the rest of my brothers and sister.

Anyway I'll keep you updated on anything that happens, but I hope wherever you are Corey that you're safe and know how upset you made mommy.

xoxo Matthew