Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy 10 month anniversary me and Connor!

Come on seriously, who wouldn't want to be with this:

I can't believe all the rumors going around saying we broke up o_o It's like drama that comes out of thin air! I'm here to tell you that we've been together for 10 months now, and have had our ups and downs. But as of right now we are both happy and in love! We haven't fought about anything in awhile. Fighting sometimes brings lovers closer, cause they come to a conclusion to a problem, and realize that they don't know what they'd do without the other person! Now I'm going to write something to make Connor smile:

Dear Connor,

Hey babe! Looks like we made it 10 months and are heading for eternity!!! You make me so very happy and have given me something to wake up to. The simple thought that you are mine fills my heart with joy and makes my blood pump faster <3 Your smile creates everlasting happiness in a boy once lost and confused. Without you I'd fall to pieces and crumble. I love when you snuggle up next to me while we're watching movies, or get that adorable serious face when you're trying to concentrate on a game. I just want to hold you (even though your body does radiate a bjillion degrees) for hours and never let you go. I can't wait till you meet my mom and family in New York. She's going to love you! She knows how much I care about you and how crazy I must of been to move here to be with you. We're all going a little crazy, but I can honestly say it was completely worth it cause now I have you.

If I had one wish, you would be my boo
Promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you

xoxo your Matthew

I also want to thank Rachel for putting me on her cake:

and Matthew Lush underwear is $15 today instead of $25 at

and everything from is on sale and selling quick! Limited time offer to get YOU SMOKING IS GIVING US BOTH CANCER tee in any color of your choice!

Have a great one everyone.

Love you Connor!!!!



Anonymous said...

I Love the Kiss Pictures=)) NICE love it